Beyond Comparison

GeorgeBrett2If given the choice wouldn’t we all pursue something that is beyond comparison. Something that stands head and shoulders above all else. When I was 10 years old I knew what that pursuit would be for me. I wanted to become a third basemen for the Kansas City Royals just like my favorite player of all time, George Brett. In my mind I would eventually be the greatest third basemen in baseball history. So for the next three years I worked hard to accomplish this dream. However, after three years of failing to make even the all star team for the Coffeyville, Kansas Little League, I hung up the bat and glove. It just wasn’t meant to be.

As I became older I realized that the pursuit of greatness in baseball was truly not the greatest thing in life. It wasn’t particularly bad, just not the greatest. I believe that Paul addresses this so well in 1 Corinthians 13. Many of us are familiar with this chapter, as it is often referenced in weddings and is considered the “love” chapter. Love is patient, love is kind, and so on… However, I think we need to think of it as more than simply telling us how to love our spouse. This chapter so aptly describes the very thing I dealt with as a 10 year old boy pursuing a baseball dream. Pursuing the inferior. You see, it is not the ability to speak all the languages of earth and angels that is the greatest. It is not the gift of prophecy or understanding all there is to know about God. Giving all you have to the poor is not even the greatest of pursuits. In the end each of these will profit you nothing if you have not pursued the greatest pursuit of all: Love. Love is truly beyond comparison.

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